How does sustainable entrepreneurship contribute to society?

Description of the Topic

This game is aimed at working with students in VET Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. Throughout it, you will be able to work on those basic competencies related to sustainable entrepreneurship.

The game is adapted to be playable by all VET students, regardless of the educational needs. If we want to promote new business ideas among our most vulnerable students and turn them into sustainable ventures, there are some mechanisms that can be applied to take the first steps in the right direction:

  1. Understanding the impact of the business we want to create
  2. Prioritizing the local environment
  3. Addressing climate change
  4. Promoting alternative modes of transportation
  5. Having a sustainable website


However, for all of this to be applied to the entrepreneurial ideas of our students with special educational needs, it will be necessary to implement a system of supports and aids that accompany the students throughout the process.

How does sustainable entrepreneurship contribute to society?


This game is established as a strategy to enhance entrepreneurial professional and personal competencies among students from a sustainable perspective. These competencies are essential in the new socioeconomic framework towards which our economy is moving. At the same time, it aims to improve the employability of students with learning difficulties by fostering entrepreneurial habits and fostering their insertion to the labour market.

How does sustainable entrepreneurship contribute to society?


  • Raise awareness among students at the VET school about social, sustainable, or collaborative entrepreneurship.
  • Consolidate in students personal, social, and professional skills, “soft vocational skills,” as cross-cutting abilities necessary to enhance their autonomy, confidence, and employability.
  • Create a physical space that encourages creativity, innovation, teamwork, and entrepreneurship.
  • Establish partnerships and cooperation networks between VET schools, businesses, institutions, and organizations committed to entrepreneurship.
  • Generate real and initial entrepreneurship experiences for participating students.
  • Encourage participation in entrepreneurship fairs with other entrepreneurship classrooms in the area.
  • Expand the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the VET school with business incubators where the classroom entrepreneurship project can evolve.

How does sustainable entrepreneurship contribute to society?

Learning Outcomes

  • Foster students’ knowledge and skills to undertake and innovate as cross-cutting competencies in Vocational Training.
  • Create a dynamic framework involving all stakeholders in the educational and business system, fostering synergy, driving entrepreneurship, and adding value to the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit in Vocational Training.
  • Enhance initial and LLL training in aspects related to sustainable entrepreneurship, with particular attention to students with special educational needs.
  • Develop entrepreneurship-related skills from a sustainability perspective, enabling societal changes with intuition, openness, and flexibility amidst surrounding complexity.
  • Sensitize students to entrepreneurship in general and its social, sustainable, or collaborative forms, as alternatives to traditional employment.
  • Consolidate “Soft-Vocational skills” (personal, social, and professional skills) as cross-cutting and necessary abilities in students to act as entrepreneurs and enhance their autonomy, confidence, and employability.
  • Promote entrepreneurship projects related to sustainable development goals and social entrepreneurship.
  • Create a space that fosters creativity, innovation, teamwork, and consequently, entrepreneurship.