Project Partners
VAVM (Lithuania)
Vilnius Car Mechanics and Business school (VAVM) is one of the biggest VET institutions in Lithuania, that have accumulated experience in training car mechanics.
The school provides basic vocational education and trains specialists in automobile repair and automobile electric system repair. The school also provides qualification training courses for car repair specialists from business companies, other vocational schools, meanwhile students from universities are provided with facilities and technology to perform laboratory tasks.
The school community works purposefully to teach its students independent thinking, adaptability to the changing labor market requirements, operation of modern equipment emphasizing the use of modern technologies that comply with EU standards. The school encourages its pupils to choose the WBL model as their path to integrate more quickly to the labor market.
LESTU (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Education and Science Trade Union is a modern, dynamic and politically independent organization created to effectively protect the social, economic and professional interests of its members and other educational staff at all levels – national, regional and institutional – and to influence education policy-making to address the needs of citizens of the Republic of Lithuania.
LESTU team consists of qualified professionals who carry out legal analysis and research, provide member education, staff development training, provide member training on a variety of topics, participate in and assist in the preparation of various levels of collective bargaining. (Greece)
p-consulting is an IT, training and consultancy company, focused on web development, digital transformation and in business consulting. The company is working with schools, (C-)VET institutions, training organisations, chambers, NGOs and other public and private organisations in Greece and the EU.
Aim of the company is the digital transformation of businesses and organisations, through the innovative exploitation of existing tools guaranteeing a swift, sustainable, and effective process.
Main objectives of are the provision of:
- training services addressing the needs of various target groups (young people, people with special needs, elders, immigrants/refugees, unemployed people, managers, start uppers etc.),
- IT services, focusing on web development and creation of online educational platforms, and online training programs,
- consulting services towards the environmental sustainability in business terms to enterprises in all sectors of economy,
- managing and developing project services, mostly oriented to improve the quality of people, especially people from socially vulnerable groups.
Established in 2012 in Patras (Greece), the company has implemented more than 50 European Projects, hundreds of National Projects and has more than 3.000 co-operations in the field of IT and business support. The company holds EU awards of best practices, for seven of the Erasmus+ projects in which participated
Centro San Viator (Spain)
Centro San Viator was founded in 1953 in the region of Encartaciones, in the province of Biscay, in a rural area where job opportunities are usually limited to agricultural and livestock activity. Located in a mountainous area with a rugged landscape, terrestrial communications present many difficulties that accentuate the lack of opportunities for the residents of the region.
Centro San Viator offers training from Kinder Garden to High School and also Formación Profesional Básica (EQF 3), Grado Medio (EQF 4) and Grado Superior (EQF 5) to meet the needs of more than 900 students working with a staff of about 100 professionals. Our VET offer includes: Retail, Car Mechanics, Mechanization, Electronics-Electricity, Child Education, and Geriatrics. We offer courses for unemployed people, in order to respond to the high percentage of unemployment that currently exists in this region. Complementing our offer, we also promote training courses for active workers.
The school has a strong social character and a priority objective: helping people with fewer opportunities, who find themselves threatened by social exclusion. CSV receives about 150 students a year who have been in the educational system, which has failed them.
Centro San Viator also have 6 full-time classrooms with about 70 young students (aged 14-20) that are mentally disabled, as well as two part-time classrooms. The goal of these classes is to help them to achieve their maximum potential, help them to lead independent lives, and to introduce them into the labour market if possible.
Additionally, the school has a department focusing on projects that increase the inclusion of excluded groups (or groups at risk of exclusion). From this area, we implement tailor-made training courses to increase the employability of these groups.

LearningDigital (Italy)
The mission of Learningdigital company is to empower individuals and organisations in using new technologies in their learning and human resources management workflows.
The company gives attention and priority on pedagogical approaches, while looking at how learning processes and learning environments evolve. LD promotes applied research and innovation on digital transition in training, aiming at fostering skills eco-systems, in cooperation with different entities, ranging from NGOs, public authorities, corporate organisations, education and training providers, higher education.
Learningdigital design and deploy teaching and learning strategies integrating digital tools, within multiple sectors and disciplines, ranging from energy to sustainability, mechanics and mechatronics, food and biodiversity, entrepreneurship and leadership, guidance and orientation. Additionally, the company welcome initiatives promoting horizontal exchanges, peer learning, events, policy actions and campaigns on digital transition in education.
Learningdigital is an active member of EfVET, European Forum for Vocational Education and Training, representing over 1500 training centers in 30 countries, and of Fondazione ITS Prime, public-private partnership implementing smart-specialisation strategy in Tuscany on Industry 4.0, delivering EQF level 5 training programmes.