We are ready for changes and innovations in education!

Society needs to be open to changes in various spheres of life. Education is one of the spheres very important to everybody, where all of us should have equal opportunities for integration into labour market.

5 partners from Lithuania, Spain, Greece and Italy united their ideas how to empower VET students with learning difficulties, by developing their competencies and skills to undertake in the sector of Circular Economy. That is the story of ENTRELED.

Please follow our project journey!

And what is the situation with inclusion  and learners learning difficulties in partner countries? Let’s start from Lithuania.

Lithuania’s education system is based on the principle of inclusion, i.e. enabling every person to develop capacities, to receive the support needed, and not to be discriminated against on the basis of the diversity of learning needs and the need for educational support.

While the majority of pupils with special educational needs (89.3% in 2021) are already in mainstream classes, there is a strong need to strengthen schools and their teams, both to work with learners already in schools and to prepare them for the future challenges in joining labour market.

Inclusion in education is not an end point, but a process of systematic transformation involving changes and modifications in educational content, teaching methods, approaches, organisation and strategies to remove barriers so that all learners of the appropriate age are provided with an equitable and active learning experience and an accessible environment.

ENTRELED project team identified key operational objectives, including designing an

adapted set of digital games, developing methodologies for skill development, and creating an online training platform for VET teachers to support the training process.

We believe that  we will increase awareness and understanding of circular economy principles and practices among people with learning difficulties, trainers, and employers even beyond the boundaries of our partnership countries.


Wish us good luck!

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